Terms And Definitions

Lack of Work Explained:
This would include any claim filed where the employee is working less than full time or not at all.  Examples:  Reduction in hours and/or working part time, on-call, seasonal and a location closure.

Base Period Explained:
The base period is the first four of the last five completed calendar quarters.  Example:  If you file your claim during April, May or June, your base period is the four quarters in the last year.

Benefit Year Explained:
The 52 week period beginning with the first calendar week in which a claimant files an initial claim.

Waiting Week:
The first week in which a claimant files their claim.  No benefits will be paid during this week.

Notice of Claim Filed:
The first claim that a claimant files to establish a 52 week benefit year.  This document is mailed to the last employer that a claimant worked for.  An employer must respond to this document within the specified time listed on the form from the date mailed.  A detailed summation of the reason for separation is required to contest a claim.

Additional Claim:
Any claim filed after the initial claim during an established benefit year.

Notice of Claim Determination:
This document is mailed to each base period employer when a claimant establishes a valid claim.  This notice identifies the base period of the claim, the amount of wages paid to the claimant by an employer during such base year and the potential charges to your account.  An employer must respond to this document within the specified time listed on the form from the date mailed.  A detailed summation of the reason for separation is required to contest a claim.